Continuous Integration

Easy deployment from GIT to FTP

I’m huge fan of Continuous Integration and all possible automation which can save me any time during development process. I’m using plenty of different tools in my daily work, but there is always place for something new. Basically each decent IDE has FTP client build in, but sometimes you don’t have access to your IDE but obviously you got your code in GIT repository. If you are using Bitbucket or Github you are lucky – you can use FTPloy .

PhpStorm PHPCodeSniffer and… CodeIgniter style guide

This article is related to my previous one about setting up PHPCodeSniffer with CodeIgniter coding standards. Installation on Linux boxes is pretty yeasy: sudo pear channel-update yum install php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer php-phpunit-phpcpd On Mac OS X you have couple options. Pear or Homebrew: brew install php-code-sniffer And following that, on regular boxes CodeSniffer will be here: /usr/share/pear/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards on Mac OS CodeSniffer will be located here: /usr/lib/php/pear/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards or… /usr/local/Cellar/php-code-sniffer/1.5.6/CodeSniffer/Standards CodeIgniter standard can be downloaded from this location https://github.
How to test and capture REST API calls

How to test and capture REST API calls

services to capture REST API calls

Just bunch of very useful tools to help us with testing and building REST API. – just bin for your API calls. Very easy to capture and test calls from APPS – older brother, or actually mother of – full featured serivce to test APIs
How to manage logs

How to manage logs

Capturing and storing longs it’s bit painful task. It’s not so bad if you are running one application on one server, but if you go with multiple servers, or just don’t want to “login” to check logs – you have to go with remote logging tools. I know only 2 and didn’t look for more. First of them is tool called Sentry  second one is LogEntries .