
Inline date edit with nojQuery

Inline Datepicker with vanilla JavaScript

I do write a lot of front-end code, despite being born to be a back-end guy. Long story short - we do have many inline editing features, especially elements like dates, which are pretty painful. HTML5 Introduced input type=date , which is good enough to cover most of the cases, and we no longer need ugly and slow .datepicker() component from jQuery od 3rd party suppliers.

So if you do have edit you can use <input type="date" value="yyyy-mm-dd"> field, and a nice calendar will pop up. But we are looking for inline solution.

Australian postcode to state conversion

Australian postcode to state conversion

list of Australian postcodes by the state

I recently worked on a project with a super dull address form. I figured out that we need to help poor users fill tedious forms, so I made a little code snippet/function which gets the postcode and returns the state. I took postcode ranges from wikipedia , so blame them if something isn’t working as expected.

What about angular alternatives

What about angular alternatives

It’s my third post in “alternatives” series – this time i looked for something nicer then Angular . Apparently Angular went the same path like all good and slim solutions. It’s getting slower and bigger. With this type of framework we have at least couple of options:

Riot.js – nice React alternative

Riot.js – nice React alternative

Recently I’m looking for easier versions of popular libraries. There is a lot of buzz around Facebook React.js library, but i found it not especially user / developer friendly – at least at first glitch. Obviously some people says that it’s not so complicated, but… there is something super simple and super light – Riot.js .

interesting jQuery alternative – laroux.js

interesting jQuery alternative – laroux.js

If we are talking about jQuery alternatives there is not much on the market. With age jQuery put a little bit on weight, not mentioning it’s speed. If we are talking about weight and speed we have Zepto.js and… we can use pure JavaScript which isn’t especially convenient in larger  projects. But definitely it’s much more but… it’s faster.