Open Source

Latest discoveries

Codeception Modern PHP testing for everyone FileAPI FileAPI — a set of javascript tools for working with files. Multiupload, drag’n’drop and chunked file upload. Images: crop, resize and auto orientation by EXIF RainLoop FREE, MODERN & FAST WEB-BASED EMAIL CLIENT ANIMATED CHECKBOXES ANIMATED CHECKBOXES AND RADIO BUTTONS WITH SVG Odometer TRANSITION NUMBERS WITH EASE
Exception tracking in real time

Exception tracking in real time

Everyone knows that Exception tracking, debugging and checking logs is pain in the ass. Especially when our APP works on multiple servers, or we have different environments, languages which are working as a part of big project. Recently I found exceptional tool created by Disqus team called  Sentry . What is Sentry ?

Twitter Bootstrap add ons and extensions

Twitter Bootstrap add ons and extensions

My collection of Twitter Bootstrap addons is growin each day. As at today we have