
JSON objects in PHP

PHP is easy. You don’t have to know type of variable, before you use it. But sometimes it’s very problematic especially when we are dealing with JSON.

Send email using mailgun API without any libraries

Mailgun is well known service provider which allows you send emails via their API or just using regular SMTP servers. SMTP protocol is bit slower, but it’s so common that you can use it everywhere. Each modern application allows you define your own SMTP server to send emails. But… we love speed, SMTP from it’s nature it’s bit slower then regular API call.

Using Google Cloud storage with AWS libraries in GO LANG

Using Google Cloud storage with AWS libraries in GO LANG

Google Cloud storage  it’s Google answer to [Amazon S3][1] service. As long one of them is very popular 😉 Second wasn’t so successful amongst developers due to quite complex processes around service. Amazon is super simple, and developer friendly – Google… well not so easy. So the questions – why you may consider using GS instead of well documented, and super easy S3. Not many people realise but Google Cloud Storage is actually cheaper . The other reason to use Google Storage is having different provider as a backup solution. Anyway – let’s show how easy is to use GS with existing S3 libraries.