PHP returning wrong date

PHP returning wrong date

From time to time we are working on small campaigns, where competition starts at given time. Because in Australia we have “so many” timezones, it’s critical to set things correctly according to the time zone.

iframe won’t display content..

There is a website, with iframe. I frame source is correct, but won’t display content of the website. No visible errors. There only small detail in the console: Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://... does not permit cross-origin framing. Some crazy admin figure out that it’s going to be better… and put some crazy code into headers: X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGINX-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=blockX-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Solution: talk to the hand, because admin won’t listen ;P
Australian postcode to state conversion

Australian postcode to state conversion

list of Australian postcodes by the state

I recently worked on a project with a super dull address form. I figured out that we need to help poor users fill tedious forms, so I made a little code snippet/function which gets the postcode and returns the state. I took postcode ranges from wikipedia , so blame them if something isn’t working as expected.

GeoIP extension PHP 7.x + AMI / Redhat / CentOs Linux

GeoIP extension PHP 7.x + AMI / Redhat / CentOs Linux

Small 2019 update – Please check out this library – It’s a straight replacement of PHP module. GeoIP extensions is quite use-full, but it requires some server – side magic. If you are looking for something simpler, just go with or something similar – GeoIP . Otherwise: wget php go-pear.phar We need geoip-devel libraries: yum install geoip-devel And newest (not stable) version of geoip: sudo ./pecl install geoip-1.