
FFmpeg on AMI Linux and CentOS the easy way

FFmpeg on AMI Linux and CentOS the easy way

FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. All you need to do is just install one more repository: wget sudo rpm -Uhv rpmfusion-free-release-6-1.noarch.rpm wget sudo rpm -Uhv rpmfusion-nonfree-release-6-1.noarch.rpm sudo yum install ffmpeg Done. ffmpeg version 0.10.15 Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the FFmpeg developers built on Aug 30 2014 15:49:19 with gcc 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3) Obviously there is no fun with FFmpeg if you don’t have anything to convert.
PHP 5.4.x on CentOS 6.5

PHP 5.4.x on CentOS 6.5

Quick copy and paste list of commands to get PHP 5.4 on CentOS boxes wget wget sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm Enable remi repo sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo Update sudo yum update sudo yum info php Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * epel: * extras: * remi: * updates: Available Packages Name : php Arch : x86_64 Version : 5.
Sending emails from commandline

Sending emails from commandline

Pretty easy but annoying task. Especially when you want to send email using specific SMTP server, or from GMAIL using SSL or add some attachment, or send RAW emails. Solution is there – mailsend . Extremely simple command line tool for Linux, Mac OS X and even Windows ;). Compile / download binary and you can enjoy freedom of sending emails from command line.

CentoOS 7 NFS support

CentoOS 7 NFS support

CentOS is pretty new, and some default stuff is just missing. Like NFS suport out of the box. We have to install package called nfs-utils yum -y install nfs-utils we can mount using standard mount mount -a to make it parmament edit /etc/fstab /mnt/nfs nfs defaults 0 0
Apache 2.4, PHP 5.4 on EC2 instance

Apache 2.4, PHP 5.4 on EC2 instance

This tutorial just updated version of my previous one . This time we are going to install newer version of apache (httpd 2.4), PHP 5.4 but as a PHP-FPM . Instructions are pretty simple. You can just copy and paste command to get working stack in less then 15 minutes.

What you can learn from it? How to install Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.4, how to enable and APC, and how to install HTTPS on your server, with purchasing SSL certificate.