
Shuttle XS35 V2 and CentOs drivers

Some time ago I bought extremely quiet Shuttle XS35 V2  device to have something “seperate” for my web development work. Right now this awesome fan less device has many purposes. Works as full web dev stack, with Apache, PHP, MySQL, mongoDB, and even Jenkins machine.

Recently I realised that this small ugly device got also WiFi cart into it. Because I’m running out of cables and space in my apartment i figure out, that I could move it easily without plugging into it more cables.

Utilizing multi core for tar+gzip/bzip compression/decompression

Utilizing multi core for tar+gzip/bzip compression/decompression

We have couple options: pigz and pbzip2 . tar -c --use-compress-program=pigz -f my_archive.tar.gz /home/archive The other trick useful trick is that you can exclude some directories or files tar -zcvf my_archive.tar.gz --exclude='cache' --exclude='.git' /home/archive
EC2 Instance and SWAP space

EC2 Instance and SWAP space

EC2 Instances on Amazon out of the box, does not contain any SWAP space . So if you exhaust memory, machine probably stuck. It’s very good practice, to give them at least slow SWAP memory to save instant crashes.

Process is quite simple. Let’s check how much free space we have:

Gearman installation on CentOS and AMI Linux

Gearman installation on CentOS and AMI Linux

Gearman provides a generic application framework to farm out work to other machines or processes that are better suited to do the work.

This solution is truly multiplatform, so we have Client API and Wordkres in multiple languages like Shell, Perl, NodeJS any couple of others (PHP!)

Apache Virtual Hosts in a Database

As much as I love lighttpd  sometimes I can’t avoid Apache . For me – “the best” thing in lighttpd is support for keeping vhost names in MySQL database. I don’t have to use any config files, I can just put record into MySQL database with virtual host server name, path to document root and it’s done. But – I can do the same witch Apache! How? With third party modules, below you can find short tutorial “how to”.