
How to replace all links in html to markup

How to replace all links in html to markup

Regular expression to replace href to markup

I recently moved my blog from WordPress to Hugo , which involved a lot of content fixing. One of the problems was that not all HTML code was correctly transferred to markup during the export. So I needed fix (replace) all pending <a href="">spidersoft</a> to [spidersoft]( What we need are just two simple regular expressions. One to find links <a.*?href="(.+?)".*?>(.+?)</a> Second one to replace them in reverse order [$2]($1) You can run this in basically any IDE - Sublime will do the job, I was using PHPStorm
Clearing up git submodules problems

Clearing up git submodules problems

As some of you noted, I moved my blog into Hugo . You have to pull multiple git repositories to compile the entire project during the build process. Because begging is always challenging, it’s always trial and error, and I ended up having many sub-repositories missing. I’m now going to show the whole journey how to solve “the issue”.