
Setting up caddy server for wordpress

Setting up caddy server for wordpress

Caddy is a another alternative to Apache or nginx . For me the biggest advantage is that it’s only one binary file to work with. It’s easy to run, setup and just “works”. It’s super modern – handles HTTP2 and automatic HTTPS encryption using let’s encrypt certificates. Obviously it has plenty of other features but we focus only on speed of deployment.

PhpStorm PHPCodeSniffer and… CodeIgniter style guide

This article is related to my previous one about setting up PHPCodeSniffer with CodeIgniter coding standards. Installation on Linux boxes is pretty yeasy: sudo pear channel-update yum install php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer php-phpunit-phpcpd On Mac OS X you have couple options. Pear or Homebrew: brew install php-code-sniffer And following that, on regular boxes CodeSniffer will be here: /usr/share/pear/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards on Mac OS CodeSniffer will be located here: /usr/lib/php/pear/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards or… /usr/local/Cellar/php-code-sniffer/1.5.6/CodeSniffer/Standards CodeIgniter standard can be downloaded from this location https://github.
PHPUnit and CodeIgniter 3.0

PHPUnit and CodeIgniter 3.0

Quick tutorial how to setup proper unit testing with PHPUnit and CodeIgniter 3.0. We need couple elements CodeIgniter – we are working with version 3.0rc3 PHPUnit – latest one If you don’t have phpunit installed globally, you can go with composer, just add section to your composer.json { "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "4.1.*" } } and then composer.phar install and after while we have ./vendor/bin/phpunit working phpunit. let’s create phpunit.xml.dist next step will require create separate bootstrap file for PHPUnit.