
Apache 2.4, PHP 5.4 on EC2 instance

Apache 2.4, PHP 5.4 on EC2 instance

This tutorial just updated version of my previous one . This time we are going to install newer version of apache (httpd 2.4), PHP 5.4 but as a PHP-FPM . Instructions are pretty simple. You can just copy and paste command to get working stack in less then 15 minutes.

What you can learn from it? How to install Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.4, how to enable and APC, and how to install HTTPS on your server, with purchasing SSL certificate.

CodeIgniter-minify update

CodeIgniter-minify update

Just introduce some new options to my quite popular library CodeIgniter-minify. From now one you can choose CSS compression engine (cssmin || minify), also FORCE rewrite CSS files. Some speed improvements were also made. Please feel to check out library on GitGub – CodeIgniter-minify
Amazon EC2 – Installing Apache and PHP boilerplate

Amazon EC2 – Installing Apache and PHP boilerplate

In this extremely simply tutorial I’m going to show, how you can deploy basic LAMP stack on EC2 instance. Instruction are pretty basic, without extra comments. You can just copy and paste command to get working stack in lest then 15 minutes.

What you can learn from it? How to install Apache and PHP, how to enable and run XCache accelerator, and how to run HTTPS on your server, with purchasing SSL certificate.

Gearman installation on CentOS and AMI Linux

Gearman installation on CentOS and AMI Linux

Gearman provides a generic application framework to farm out work to other machines or processes that are better suited to do the work.

This solution is truly multiplatform, so we have Client API and Wordkres in multiple languages like Shell, Perl, NodeJS any couple of others (PHP!)